Microsoft Excel (Intermediate)
[2024] 22 Oct
1 Day
This course will help trainees understand and effectively utilize various features of Excel at an intermediate level. Learning will be facilitated through real-world examples, enabling participants to manage and enhance the efficiency of various work tasks.
- Creating and using Cell Styles
- Creating tables and managing them with the Table Tool
- Converting data into Dynamic Tables
- Creating Total Rows for data
- Creating Charts
- Changing Chart types
- Creating combined Charts, e.g., Bar chart combined with Line chart
- Customizing various components of Charts
- Techniques for making Charts automatically plot new data
- Creating Charts with dual Y axes
- Worksheet management
- Custom formatting with Custom Format
- Automatically highlighting duplicate data
- Automatically highlighting positions with maximum or minimum values
- Creating Data Bars
- Creating Color Scales
- Using Icons to represent values automatically
- Automatically highlighting cells based on conditions
- Using Advanced Filter commands
- Creating search conditions for different text characteristics
- Creating search conditions for numeric values
- Creating search conditions for various date data
- Creating complex search conditions using And and Or formats
- Conditional counting
- Conditional summation
- Conditional averaging
- Splitting text in cells using the Text to Columns command
- Rapidly removing duplicate data
- Naming cell groups (Range Name)
- Managing names (Name Manager)
- Naming formulas (Formula Name)
- Creating automatic summary calculation rows using the Subtotal command
- Creating and using Hyperlinks
- Data analysis with What-If Analysis