How to identify the weakness in the Cyber Security System


About the Webinar

Welcome to the world of digital and data security. Our website is a hub for cybersecurity and cyber threat protection. In this seminar, we will discuss vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and simulating cyber threat scenarios.

In the digital age, understanding the complexity of data security is crucial due to the increasing cyber threats. In this seminar, we will unveil the strategies that experts use to discover potential weaknesses in systems, whether they are network or application-related. Join us to learn about various proactive measures to prevent potential breaches in the future.

Highlight at the seminar

Date and Time

1. Vulnerability Assessment (VA)

- What is the benefit of VA?
- Introduce tools for VA
- Show example results from VA

2. Penetration Testing (Pen Test)

- What is the difference between VA and Pen Test?

3. Cyber Drill Service

- What is cyber drill service?
- How to simulate cyber attacking by email phishing

*Sorry for the inconvenience, we cannot providing the archive video. Please attend the seminar at the specified time only.

Date and Time

*Sorry for the inconvenience, we cannot providing the archive video. Please attend the seminar at the specified time only.

Why do we need to attend this seminar ?

With the experts speaker in cybersecurity services, such as penetration testing, cyber drill services and assessing vulnerabilities etc. Which will give you knowledge and understanding of IT. Included being able to evaluate cybersecurity systems to identify the weaknesses for effective security.

Lectures by

Cybersecurity Specialist

K. Watcharaphon Wongaphai
K. Atiwan Yuthayanon
K. Pongsakorn Eakwijitkul

Organized by


Who should attend this seminar?

1. People who want to increase the IT security skill
2. Managers those who need an IT security solution to help with their work
3. Business owners of all sizes who want to digitalize their business data
4. People who are interested or need a knowledge to further developing


Let's learn together with industry experts!

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

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