Digital Forensic Incident Response


About the Webinar

ORB Digital Forensic Incident Response [DFIR] – Incident response is a set of information security policies and procedures that you can use to identify, contain, and eliminate cyberattacks. The goal of incident response is to enable an organization to quickly detect and halt attacks, minimizing damage and preventing future attacks of the same type.

ORB incident response team will support what you are face on regarding urgent breach situation for all 24 hours with an Open-line that able you to know your situation all time.

Example of online seminar How to respond to cyber attacks

Highlight at the seminar

Date and Time

1. Next generation cyber security trend

- Cloud cybersecurity trend
- Cloud cyber crime
- Brief introduction : Importance of Cyber Risk Assessment

2. Assessing your cyber risks and responding to a Cyber incident

- What is a cyber risk assessment?
- Why perform a cyber risk assessment?
- How to prioritize your risks?
- Dealing with a live system
- Capturing RAM memory
- Cloud forensics
- NTFS log capture

*Sorry for the inconvenience, we cannot providing the archive video. Please attend the seminar at the specified time only.

Highlight at the seminar

Date and Time

1. Next generation cyber security trend

- Cloud cybersecurity trend
- Cloud cyber crime
- Brief introduction : Importance of Cyber Risk Assessment

2. Assessing your cyber risks and responding to a Cyber incident

- What is a cyber risk assessment?
- Why perform a cyber risk assessment?
- How to prioritize your risks?
- Dealing with a live system
- Capturing RAM memory
- Cloud forensics
- NTFS log capture

*Sorry for the inconvenience, we cannot providing the archive video. Please attend the seminar at the specified time only.

Why do we need to attend this seminar ?

ORB DFIR and DFIR Training Service which can help you from above problems! Below are the reason why you should attend our webinar

– To understand the details of different cyber attacks

– To know how to respond to cyber threats

– To know how to retrieve the web server logs and use it to deal with attacks

– To know how to use a tool that can help to disconnect in the attack case

– To learn the demonstration of how to manage the ram memory

Who should attend this seminar?

1. People who want to increase the IT security skill
2. Managers those who need an IT security solution to help with their work

3. Business owners of all sizes who want to digitalize their business data

4. People who are interested or need a knowledge to further developing


Privilege for a person who attending this seminar only


Digital Forensic Incident Response [DFIR] is a set of information security policies and procedures that you can use to identify, contain, and eliminate cyberattacks. The goal of incident response is to enable an organization to quickly detect and halt attacks, minimizing damage and preventing future attacks of the same type.

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Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

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