This page is for Target Threat Mail Training by ECMS LTD.

*This is part of ECMS security training service.
If this file is a real virus, there are possibilities your PC may be hacked and also will be damaged for company network and data.

◆What is target threat mail?

Targeted threats are a class of malware destined for one specific organization or industry. A type of crimeware, these threats are of particular concern because they are designed to capture sensitive information. Targeted attacks may include threats delivered via SMTP e-mail, port attacks, zero day attack vulnerability exploits or phishing messages. Government organizations are the most targeted sector. (Quote, Wikipedia )

◆If what you received looks like a threat email, what you need to check?

※Check the sender’s identity: Verify if the email address is from a known source and if it’s consistent with past correspondence from that person or organization.
※Review the content of the email: Look for any specific details or instructions and determine if the threat is credible.
※Check for suspicious attachments or links: Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown or suspicious sources, as they could contain malware or phishing attempts.
※Consider the context: Consider any recent events or interactions that could have led to the receipt of the threat, and evaluate the potential motives of the sender.
※Report the threat: If you feel the threat is credible or if you’re unsure, report the email to your organization’s security or IT team and follow their instructions.
※Stay calm and protect your information: Keep a record of the email, including header information and any related details, but do not respond to the threat or share personal information.

◆If you clicked the URL or opened the file, what would you have to do?

※Disconnect from the internet: Disconnect your device from the internet to prevent the spread of any potential malware or viruses.
※Scan your system: Run a full scan of your device with a reputable antivirus software to identify and remove any malware that may have been installed.
※Change passwords: Change all of your passwords, especially for accounts that may have been accessed through the link or file.
※Notify relevant parties: If you believe that your personal information has been compromised, notify your bank, credit card company, and any other relevant parties.
※Report the incident: Report the incident to your organization’s security or IT team and follow their instructions.
※Stay vigilant: Be extra cautious in the future when clicking on links or opening attachments, and consider using anti-malware and anti-phishing tools to help protect your devices and personal information.
This is training for staff. So please do not share this file to other staff.

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Managing Director

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