BBSec support what you are facing on
BBSec [BroadBandSecurity] is a gathering of experts in various IT security services and one of the top security‐focusing service providers in APAC.
And BBsec is QSA company who provide the excellence of PCI assessment services worldwide since 2004.

ORB Digital Forensic Incident Response [DFIR] Services By BBSec
Digital forensics is a branch of forensic science that focuses on identifying, acquiring, processing, analysing, and reporting on data stored electronically.
Electronic evidence is a component of almost all criminal activities and digital forensics support is crucial for law enforcement investigations.
To ensure that the results of the examination are accurate, reliable and acceptable in the court. The implementation of these three processes must follow accepted standard principles. Also known as Forensically sound methods, in which every step of the action must be recorded. If it works, it must be able to be repeated by someone else later and the same result must be obtained every time. Both hardware and software tools used must be thoroughly checked for reliability. And if necessary, it must be validated to be sure, including testing the performance first and the important thing is Digital Forensics practitioners also need to have knowledge and ability to operate. Have the ability to analyse data, understand the operating system and the tools used and have been trained very well.
*Reference from: [ETDA] Electronic Transactions Development Agency
Incident response By BBSec
is a set of information security policies and procedures that you can use to identify, contain, and eliminate cyberattacks.
The goal of incident response is to enable an organization to quickly detect and halt attacks, minimizing damage and preventing future attacks of the same type.
ORB incident response team By BBSec
ORB incident response team will support you what you are face on now regarding urgent breach situation.
For all 24 hours an open-line is able to know your situation as soon as possible.
ORB forensics services By BBSec
Digital forensics is the activity of extracting data from electronic evidence and transforming it into actionable intelligence to present findings. When the following problems occur, digital forensics can be the answer to analyze the cause.
- What networks, systems, files, or applications were affected?
- How did the incident occur? (What tools and attack methods were used, vulnerabilities exploited)
- What data and information were accessed or stolen?
- Are hackers still on my network? (Is the incident finished or is it ongoing?)
- Where did the attack come from?
ORB Digital Forensic Service is ready to assist clients in strengthening their cyber security by analyzing and investigating the causes of cyber attacks and cyber crimes occurring in a rapidly changing digital environment.
ORB Forensics offers high-quality digital forensics, incident response, and digital forensic training.
With appreciation to support you from your difficult passage into a relaxed passage even in an incident situation.
ORB Digital forensics team up with experts with long experience and well-trained skills in this field that meets global standards and is the most well equipped digital forensic lab in Thailand.
ORB DFIR Training Service By BBSec
Various levels of training curriculum
The training service provides customized training ranging from practical digital forensics and emergency response training to manager level security awareness training.
Workshop with opensource forensic tools
ORB Digital forensics training includes practice and incident response training use open source digital forensic tools, so you can apply it right away with no-cost.
Multi Language translation
ORB Forensics Service provide interpretation support services in English / Japanese / Korean / Thai for all trainings according to the needs of our customers.
Detail explanation
All of the courses have been developed by practicing forensic investigators with over 19 years’ experience in the field of digital forensics, ensuring that the course content is both up to date and provides the necessary practical knowledge you need.
In addition, the practical exercises are conducted using a range of free or free and open-source forensic tools allowing the candidates to be able to practice what they have learnt back at their workplace. All courses can also be run in-house providing a cost-effective solution for your staff training needs.
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